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Розділ: Getting Started
Ex. 3, p.10 At home Ex. 3, p.17 At home
Розділ: Unit 1
1.1. In the Peace and Quiet of Nature, Social Studies Ex. 3, p. 25 At home, p. 29 Ex. 4, p. 29 Ex. 5, p. 35 Ex. 7, p. 37 Ex. 3, p. 39 At home My Favourite Sport Swimming Ex. 6, p. 41 At home (Be a host or find a host while you travel) Ex. 3, p. 50 Ex.4, p.54 Ex. 5, p. 57 At home 1.4. Hobby Pursuits: Communication Skills Ex 4., p.69 At home, p. 69 At home, p. 71 1.5. Test Yourself
Розділ: Unit 2
2.1. Family Lifesstyles: Health Education Ex. 3, p, 78 At home Across Cultures, p. 85 Ex. 5, p. 87 At home 2.2. Building Family Bonds: Psychology and Law Ex. 3, p. 91 Ex. 4, p. 93 At home, p. 99 (Spare the rod, spoil the child) 2.3. Gender Roles in a Family: Sociology Ex. 3, p. 102 At home, p. 108 Ex. 5, p. 108 At home, p. 116 2.4. The Special Occasion: Communication Skills Ex.4, p.121 Ex. 6, p. 122 2.5. Test Yourself
Розділ: Unit 3
3.1. Facts about Canada: History, Geography and Culture Ex. 3, p. 130 Ex. 4 (b), p. 134 Ex. 5, p. 142 Ex. 5, p. 142 At home, p. 144 3.2. Australia Bound: Career Counselling Ex. 3, p. 146 Ex. 4, p. 149 At home, p. 162 3.3. Destination New Zealand: Geography and Sociology Ex. 3, p. 164 Ex. 4, p. 167 At horne, p. 170 Ex. 5, p. 170 On Your own p. 177 At home, p.179 3.4. Going International: Communication Skills Ex. 4, p. 185 3.5. Test Yourself
Розділ: Unit 4
4.1. A Wealth of Culture: the Arts Ex. 3, p. 194 At home, p. 199 On your own, p. 200 Ex. 5, p. 206 At home, p. 208 4.2. Arts and Artists: Arts and Ar«hitecture Ex. 3, p. 211 4.3. Going Museums: Arts and Architecture Ex. 3, p. 223 Ex. 4, p. 227 At home, p. 228 Ex. 5, p. 230 On your own, p. 236 At home, p. 237 Ex. 4, p. 241 At home, p. 243 4.5. Test Yourself
Розділ: Unit 5
Ex. 3, p. 249 Ex. 5, p. 260 At home, p. 263 5.2. Outstanding Scientists: Sociology and History Ex. 3(b), p. 265 Ex. 4(d), p. 269 On your own, p. 275 At home, p. 278 5.3. Technological, Disasters: Technology Ex. 3, p. 280 Ex. 4(c), p. 284 At home, p. 285 Ex. 5, p. 285 5.4. Science or Fiction: Communication Skills Ex. 7, p. 301 5.5. Test Yourself