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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

4.1. A Wealth of Culture: the Arts Ex. 3, p. 194 At home, p. 199 On your own, p. 200 Ex. 5, p. 206 At home, p. 208 4.2. Arts and Artists: Arts and Ar«hitecture Ex. 3, p. 211 4.3. Going Museums: Arts and Architecture Ex. 3, p. 223 Ex. 4, p. 227 At home, p. 228 Ex. 5, p. 230 On your own, p. 236 At home, p. 237 Ex. 4, p. 241 At home, p. 243 4.5. Test Yourself

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

4.5. Test Yourself
1. My dad said that he would go with me to the Art Museum.
2. Ben asked who had painted that picture.
8. Ann announced that if I joined that art studio she would be happy.
4. My little niece reminded me that I had to buy her a sketch book.
5. My friend asked me to be his guide and tell him about the paintings.
6. John recommended me to paint her portrait.
7. My teacher advised me to add more bright colours to landscape.
8. Ann complained that the portrait didn't evoke any feelings in her.
9. My friend wondered what art style the painting belonged to.
10. He was interested to know how I could interpret the picture.
1. At, from; 2. In; 3. In; 4. In; 5. On, at; 6. On; 7. In; 8. With; 9. Abo'ut; 10. In.
1. Tidiness; 2. Beautifully; 8. Noisy; 4. Impression; 5. Moveable; 6. Disordered; 7. Clearness; 8. Astonishing; 9. Concise; 10. Space; 11. Hurried; 12. Speed; 13. Silent.
2; 8, 5, 6, 8, 9