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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex. 3, p. 194 At home, p. 199 On your own, p. 200 Ex. 5, p. 206 At home, p. 208

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

At home, p. 208
Recently, I had to make a very tough design choice about the current project I am working on, in regards to whether or not I would be able to complete it with its previous art style. Earlier on, I was using a realistic, super-detailed art style, such as the one found in the Bootcamp demo (at the time, trying to replicate visual fidelity of AAA console games, which was a total pipe dream). Since then, I have converted the art style to use something more stylized, focusing on cartoon cel-shading but retaining the same 'serious' motif and overall feel of gameplay.
This, however, comes at a cost. Cel-shading is actually more expensive on GPUs than 'realistic' art style approaches, despite the lower polygon count of models and the seemingly simplified textures. I may or may not have to bump up my. requirements from GeForce FX equivalents to something more modern as a result of this.
This led me to ask a question that I thought you guys might be interested in shedding light on-which is better for games, a realistic or stylized art style?