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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex. 3(b), p. 265 Ex. 4(d), p. 269 On your own, p. 275 At home, p. 278

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

On your own, p. 275
In 1903, only two years after the Nobel Foundation was established, a Nobel Prize was awarded to a woman, Marie Curie, for the first time. Women have been winning Nobel Prizes ever since, but in very small numbers compared to their male colleagues. It took 40 years from its inception for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences to be awarded to a woman, Elinor Ostrom. This is despite the fact that one woman, Bertha von Suttner was influential in convincing Alfred Nobel to establish a Prize for Peace. The Nobel Prize and Prize in Economic Sciences have been awarded to women 41 times between 1901 and 2010. Only one woman, Marie Curie, has been honoured twice, with the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics and the 1911 Nobel Priie in Chemistry. This means that 40 women in total have been awarded the Nobel Prize between 1901 and 2010.