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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex. 3(b), p. 265 Ex. 4(d), p. 269 On your own, p. 275 At home, p. 278

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

Ex. 3(b), p. 265
1. What innovation did the scientist make?
2. What did Amosov do during the Great Patriotic war?
3. What did the scientist do after the set up of the war?
4. Flow many languages were books of Amosov translated into?
5. Why was the scientist recognised as a great Ukrainian?
1. Why did Thomas Edison come into the history of science?
2. What was the first scientist's invention?
3. What was the greatest scientist's contribution?
4. What did Edison set up for providing citizens with electricity?
5. Why is Edison called an industrial leader ?
1. What is the English scientist famous for'?
2. What was his first discovery devoted to?
8. What layer did the scientist discover in two years?
4. Why was Appleton given a honourable title of a knight?
5. What branch of science was Appleton awarded Nobel prize in?