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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex. 3, p. 280 Ex. 4(c), p. 284 At home, p. 285 Ex. 5, p. 285

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

At home, p. 285
A technology-caused disaster is the breakdown of a technological system due to human action which could result in harm to people and all creation. The response to a technology-caused disaster includes prevention, mitigation, preparation, response and recovery. The response to a technology-caused disaster does not include providing food, clothing, temporary shelter, blankets and other material resources.
A technology-caused disaster can be an accidental spill, a deliberate or careless release, an illegal or badly designed disposal or storage area, or a leak from such an area. It can be a transportation accident, "sick" buildings, or workplace or mining hazards that get out of control. The affected elements can be air, soil, water, and animals in the human food chain - and the human body.
As you can see, the term covers a broad range of issues and may be most easily defined by what a technology-caused disaster is not. It is not a classic "act of God." It is not caused by weather or natural forces (although these may be contributing factors). Federal and state agencies rarely declare a "disaster" of technological origin. In technology-caused disasters, people of faith may find themselves criticized and even denounced for interfering in a business matter, a government matter or a scientific matter. Since technology-caused disasters can usually be blamed on someone, natural partners in other disasters do not wish to appear to be shouldering the legal and economic burdens of a technology-caused disasters.