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Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
P. l 07, ex. 5
Shopp1:1g haS C017inlon P!p<IIP018 whpl'<. Vei" it ! Bk<!8 i!<ace. A luiypl' lookY foI' 8 SP! lp!"
wi!o is offer!ng s(nn(thing th< buyer wa!!ts Or needs at;I!77 k< the biiycr can Bff'ord
to pay. SP l(78 0.''1<"I B<ivP'I'! ISP. 7!'!P11' wa1'< 8 iil I'l<iwspa!I<!I"8, on I!Ie MllA AI' TV, on
postcl 8 ptc. Sellpi'8 use 8 val iptv of tactics 'to Inakp. !nivei's pal<'has<' fi'A!71 tllenl at,
a price which leaves some profit.
Shopping is a part of our daily life. And we have!0 deal with it whether we like
it. or not. There Pre people wlio hate g<nng shopping. So they niake 8 list of what
t 1<'V need Bnd Inn !hi ough stoi'es liuying the nePdcd th111gs. Son!et!ines !l'Icy eve'1
don'! caIC shou<. the Pr'lce And thele BIP. P<otilP who go I"ron1 Stor( to SIOIP iookIng
for goods of hetter quality and lower price. Those don't worry about the tin<e they
spend shopping.
But the; 8 is 8 v<'I y goou sPrvici' calle!il i<i tici nct shA!Iplili". !t,,( aily he!ps Von to sav<.'
y(n!r time;u d get goods ot' hrgh quahty. You! ust have to look through 0 ca<alogue,
choose thc things yoii like, order them and wait 8 little lo get th<!In.
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