Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
P. 74, ex, 4
1. Can be used to store, process and display data
2. A notPbook, 8 s'ubnoiPbook. 8 pahntop 8»Q arl cnlliedded colnputPI'
3. Two main elements: the machine and program!»Ps, or hardware and software
4. The input is processed into output
Cu Personal, educational and commercial
6. Goods and sel 'ices such as booking 8 holiday or a flight, ordering book:, and
DVDs or doin~ thei! banlnng onl!»e
7. Keep in touch with people all over the world using email or internet telephony,
send photos to family and friends through el»ail.
8. The language which allows to create web pages
9. A website where a user cre»tes anrl regularly updates 8 inurn»l ih»t reflects the
views of the writer.
10. Write essays and projecis, presentations and databases.
11. A virtual learning environment which is 8 software system designed tr. help
teachers in the managenlent of educational courses for their studs»ts by cre:!- ting 8. Vll" tual classl'oon!.
12. Can offer computer users the opportunity io order ami ply for gooris Bnd»(I.
vices»sing their credit, cards on the internet.
13. Make notes. Bl'range appoint!»eni8»(nrl 18(ic ' details 0I business ronia(.'i».
14. idiot available without colnputcr skills.
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