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P. 89, ex. 7
Dear Dane,
Next yveek I'm going to London f' or a couple days. I'nx going to be there from December 15a' to g0"'. I will be very g'lad to meet you there if you find some time for me.
I'm going on a business trip so probably I will be busy during the daytime but we can meet in the evening. My hotel is situated not fsr from Times Square so wc can n:eet in at serac oi' tl'e r. staurants located within central part of the city. I will surf the Internet and find the most suitable place for us if you don't mind, of course.
Please write me about the date and time convenient for you. I also ssk you to write me your phone number so I could contact you when I' ll arrive to London.
Kind regards
Dear Sirs,
I'd like to apply for the course at the School of English. Please inform me about application procedure and the fees. I also kindly ask you to send me a copy of application form and list of required documents. If there is a web-site of the School of English available I will be glad to have its address.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Best regards
Andriy Boyko
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