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Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
P. 81, ex. 2
Nowadays internet offers a big variety of websites of different specialty. 1've got couple favourite wel>sites. Some of then> are good for studying (such as >vebs>tes containing materials on English grammar), for entertainment, (sucb as wcbsitcs con!sining the latest news of fashion world or electronic libraries or social networks).
My favourite website is ellegirl.ru. This v ebsite coniaius lots oi' interesting articles on fashion and lifestyle and b'autiful iu>ages. The pages are well decoraterl v ith good sets of colours. This website offers the latest news on fashion shows, coen>et>cs, celebrit>es and lt eve>> offers solus contests where vou can get, >'ea! prlses>
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