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P. 106, ex. 3 faj
Computer in Our I.ife
Computers play a very i!»portent part 'n our life. They help people in their work and studies. They save I!8 8 101 oi !,I!Be, While O'L scilooi I olten nladP. Bse of the Internet to collect, information for my test papers and (lompositions.
Con)LB!ters give access to a lot Of information. It is possibie to filid data and descriptions, chapters from necessary books... to make a long story short, everything you !teed. Computers have been 8! 0»nd for about tifty years or so.
E)RIAL.'< the f)rst gleat pisc'L)on!C co!i'!pule!', was bttilt iI). Lhe I94LIth; lt w8s the size of 8 Large house, was )imite(1 in po!ver cut was unreiiablc. But comp»'tp!'8 deveioj)<!d (Lit icki!» Todav cou!Bfl prs i)lt <!Olufort<!I)iy on Out' desks 8»(i have Tllu(dl Blo!P, pov<'P'! 1hau Lhc<SP 01')girls' tE)ach 1!Ss. !n Ills lasL if'B ves!'8 01' $0, BK)sl 18)"ge B»sl»PRS<."1 have b«'.!Onlc con)'i)I(".Lcly dcpPBdPBt 0?) Contp!!t(.'rs fol stol'Ing snd look!Bg )lt i»101"Bli!t!0», tot' w)!t!Bg 8!)d to)' cele!lie 1»g fl»SBCI(!I an(i Bla'L i!(B!at)C81 ! Bfo)'lt)stint).
Cot)'!puters <Within 8 single office <ir in!:id»!g Buiy h(. co)!Bected< Ard they ther;— fore form 8 network. Users o!' conlputel(s on 8 Betv<ork can send nlessages to e" ch 0LI!P!', 0 <)Llzlng 1'ht', saBIP. Col)ectMBs of ()8ta 0!' hlfol'B!8!!on. In »lang of:)ccs snd organizations corn!mtel messag(s have repir!ced messages written on paper, a»d they are now called e-maii or electronic maii. E-maii is not only fast and easy (if you unde,ate»id how to use the cornputerh but it also save' pape'i and the work Of B'!ovll)g pape!" fx'on! 088 piece 10 8nother. I'L orkers 0811 spud 81)d receive c-n)(HI !Vltilou! Avlng Liteir desks and thell' dPsktopi contp»LPrs.
D)sadvlntt<ages. Ti)PI'('. Sre so»IP d!sadvaBtagPS. ')f coul'se. '!.A»in!i<et can get v) ~ )tsPR.
Sompti(nes the v, Cong people can make use Of. Liip i(tfo) tt) atio)t 8 vai'!Bbie in tbe wrong way, Con!puters becou<e ol! t,-of-date very (p»ckiy< ' l:ey need! to be rc',.)iaced.
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