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Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
P, 56, ex. 4
' Meaitio:e Meal the Br>t sh nsualty eat
lC . 'lak vi h dlka de.g-, po idg . ' db, gg,
, marinalade, butler, toast, frtdt, cold hara, i'ish, roll, coffee.
2.Main meal of Meat, vegetables, pudding, stewed fruit, beefsteaks, chops, roast
the day beef fried fish, chips
3. Afternoon
Ham, tongue, tomatoes, salad, kipper, tinned salmon, sausage,
4.High tea strong tea, bread, butter, stewed fruit, pears, apricot or
pineapple with cream and custard, pasties, bun
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