Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
P. 51, ex. 4
Dea« Sire,
Ibr«v.riting to apply for admission to the comas s«nr«mer school (mornings only)
for next August,.
I a«n '4 years ol«I and 1've goi, Master's degree in I«ko«««'mica from Kharkiv National
Econ«n«n«r al U«uvers«ty.
I I'«ave pass«!d TOEEI. Lest, a«ul hol(1 «««:eri ific «t« for 98 point„".. 1 enclose a copy of
tlris ce« tificate to the letter.
Since the completion of my studies in the university I have been working as an
econon«ist at Coca-Cola. I l«ave reaHy en.,ioyed that job. Iloweve, I n ed to continue .ny professional development encl I'm interested ln in«prove«nant of my Enghsh
skills as I'm going to apply for a job in England.
1' look forward to bearing from yon.
Maria Petrenko
I enclose further deiaiis of my q««alifications to the letter.
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