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The proverb says "Two apples a day keeps the doctor away". But why is it so?
Health food is used to describe any food that is considered to be healthy, or it can
mean specific foods clainted to be especially beneficial to health. Health foods are not necesarily organic foods.
While there is no precise definition for "health food", the FDA has warned food nranufacturers against labeling foods "healthy" that have high sugar, salt, or fat content.
A common definition of "health food" is a food that acts like a medicine, providing specific favm ah!e etfects on health. Purported examples of health foods ir elude alfalfa or broccoli sprouts, wheat germ, and yogurt. ln general, these claims of health benefits have not been evaluated by the FDA. iiealth foods are sold in health fond stores or in the health/organic section of supermarkets.
Trj the United States, the term is often used for foods that are low in fat, and/or sugar, since overconsumption of fatty and sugary foods is seen as contrib»ting to the obesity epidemic.
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