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Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
Ex. 3, p. 87
Ernest Hemingway, an American writer, was born on July 21, 1899. His parents
have encouraged his many creative beginnings. His mother taught him music and
took him to concerts, art galleries and operas. His father taught him practical skills,
like how to build fires, how to use an axe, and how to tie fishing flies.
By ihe age ol' three, he knew stories about many great men in American history,
and h<" collerted cartoons of the Russian-Japanese war, He belor<ged to a nature
study group. Ernest liked writing and could spell well. His parents taught him to
value physical courage.
Ern< st show<.<l an interest in writing when he was 12. He wrote stories about
heroes having high-action adventures. In high school he wrote for the school's weekly
newspaper. I le. also look up canoeing. His motto was 'be afraid of nothing'.
Ernest w»s sn unusual child. No one was too surprised when he grew up to be
an except<Qual wl <tcv.
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