Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
Ex. 4, p. 142
l. lt people didu*t use petrol '.n their cars the»; would not, produce so much carbon
he wo 10 won le he a safe. place !f we reduced the g'lohai warining'.
8. U you listened to the weather fo,crest, you would take your umhrella with
4. If there were more tr~ es t!u- a'r we h: eel he wuuhl lre cleaner,
f 1fe would he so 4 Rhea! ahle ll we >top pol utuie' tile evlyrrounleBt.
th Many species of Anon!als wouhl osw Their ha'Htats 1f we controdecl the uol]u< ion
levei earlier.
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