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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex.6,p.120 Ex.6,p.120 Ex.7,p.120 Ex.9,p.121 Ex.6,p.123(a) Ex.7,p.125 Ex.8,p.125 Ex.10,p.126 Ex.13,p.127 Ex.3,p.129 Ex.14,p.128 Ex.9,p.133 Ex.11,p.133 Ex.12,p.133 Ex.4,p.136 Ex.5,p.136 Ex.6,p.137 Ex.8,p.138 Ex.19,p.138 Ex.12,p.139 Ex.11,p.139 Ex.2,p.140 Ex.4,p.142 Ex.5,p.142 Ex.2,p.146 Ex.3,p.147 Ex.4,p.147

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

Ex. 6, p. 137 1. to control the cuvironment in which he lives; g. the human pop»lation was small and the means were limited; 3. has changed thc face of thc planet; 4. peoph >s well as flora and fauna will suffer; 5. greenhouse gas emissions; 6. har»if»l cosmic rays io reach the surface of our planet, which has caused a higher incidc»ce of cancer.