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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex.6,p.120 Ex.6,p.120 Ex.7,p.120 Ex.9,p.121 Ex.6,p.123(a) Ex.7,p.125 Ex.8,p.125 Ex.10,p.126 Ex.13,p.127 Ex.3,p.129 Ex.14,p.128 Ex.9,p.133 Ex.11,p.133 Ex.12,p.133 Ex.4,p.136 Ex.5,p.136 Ex.6,p.137 Ex.8,p.138 Ex.19,p.138 Ex.12,p.139 Ex.11,p.139 Ex.2,p.140 Ex.4,p.142 Ex.5,p.142 Ex.2,p.146 Ex.3,p.147 Ex.4,p.147

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

Ex. 13, p. 127
The clu»:it< ot' I lkr ii!if ns vel! ns <if,rr)y otir< r country rnucli der)ends irpon!ts 8( ographu'idl positioi!. Ilk!"1!n(' 4- sit!i;it< 0 ir! tl!P .I»lit!!('astern pilrt. Oi' ('en )dr Eul'op<, so its I 1)»18IP ls inofleratfu Wi rite) ls rntli( r riiild lvir'ri »;i severe fi oats hnt ".i!Bl s!3<)wf 1118 PVP) vv'hfii P f BPPpr Its sout4('1'I! pa 1't. I 1!c r iv<'rs;) rrd lak('8 ft'OPXP 1!i v i:! .
tel . Sun!!or!1" 18 rior dnd diy w!th ocr*as!Or)i<I 1 ilns an<1 thur!dc)i:toi'!1!s.
As 1! kr(!!ne is rather 8 big colmtry Its ( linidte is dit'ferent in vnrious ) Pgion «if it.
Of course, tire coldest regions ls t4nt. in the North and in the Xo! th-east. The hottest one is in the Soirth, it is silbtrop.'cal here. The clio!Btf. or! th(. territo! y nlo»g the Blacl' Si ' and the Sea of Azov i: milch wn! mer. The Oarpath i(in dnd the (:! imean mountains gi eatly inflnr nce tl!e ehnmte in the who!e territory ot' the co»ntry: they prote<'.t t,h< coi!ntry from bit,ter win.ls.
ill tire centi'81 pa)"t. ot the coil»try the Olin)atc is i(»lcl"dte nrlfl coi'itinentnj. Alrd !u)w 1st us characterize everv season ol' the year in this c(irintr y i! i generrsl.
Thf.' CB.,!y spl!1!g 488 veryr chailgeni)!P wenthP!'. Tile vf('834Pr llllr1' hc cold, and v ir)dy, and rai»1r, aod sunnv ol) on(. Bird 1 lf snlrifc ('18"<'. Bitt! li!!Il, 8!)ri;ig 1! 'is »<ustly <vnrlii and sunny nnd rains t'all ve! y seMor!>.
i)1 ail»in!el tl!P wPBtll<'1 ls 118118! Iy w'ii'1' ll, so!)re(ill)Ps 'lol. ri'.'(I d)"v. TI!P w81')ll'*"st iliontlis 8!<". Jlllv ill)<i Aligusi, Tllr' ave!BgP! I<'nlp('ir)I lil'P. 18 21 00 ( nhovf' z('1'o. Alltun!n Lr !nlh<!1' wnr'til nt. Ih<' 4(."g!!iilil!g!)Irl.i.)i tile cou!":P of tin!P it gets co!de), tile
sky is usually overcast, !t, oft<'n raitis. There is 8 wond< rfi!1 spell irl anti!in!i, the so-cd!4!d ll'tdia!1 8'l1»i)T)(ir, wh(n I,t!P. wear.her !8 vraP!n lil o sluli'3<, (reel'ytll)llg iofJks goMen, brown and red.
Winter sets in Decerr)ber with i's cohi duel heav., snowfalls. bitter winds. The colo.
est month is January. The temperature is abont la — 20 degree." below zero, b»t it often happens that winters are rainy and n!B!d an<1 this is )uost unplea ant tinle.
Thev sny th(' el!»late 13) Ukra'.Ilc, !)kc Bnyvrhcre else, ls ge'tt3»g milder' with r.vel lr coming yepr. It depends on many ress<»!s.