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Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
Ex. 13, p. 127
The clu»:it< ot' I lkr ii!if ns vel! ns <if,rr)y otir< r country rnucli der)ends irpon!ts 8( ographu'idl positioi!. Ilk!"1!n(' 4- sit!i;it< 0 ir! tl!P .I»lit!!('astern pilrt. Oi' ('en )dr Eul'op<, so its I 1)»18IP ls inofleratfu Wi rite) ls rntli( r riiild lvir'ri »;i severe fi oats hnt ".i!Bl s!3<)wf 1118 PVP) vv'hfii P f BPPpr Its sout4('1'I! pa 1't. I 1!c r iv<'rs;) rrd lak('8 ft'OPXP 1!i v i:! .
tel . Sun!!or!1" 18 rior dnd diy w!th ocr*as!Or)i<I 1 ilns an<1 thur!dc)i:toi'!1!s.
As 1! kr(!!ne is rather 8 big colmtry Its ( linidte is dit'ferent in vnrious ) Pgion «if it.
Of course, tire coldest regions ls t4nt. in the North and in the Xo! th-east. The hottest one is in the Soirth, it is silbtrop.'cal here. The clio!Btf. or! th(. territo! y nlo»g the Blacl' Si ' and the Sea of Azov i: milch wn! mer. The Oarpath i(in dnd the (:! imean mountains gi eatly inflnr nce tl!e ehnmte in the who!e territory ot' the co»ntry: they prote<'.t t,h< coi!ntry from bit,ter win.ls.
ill tire centi'81 pa)"t. ot the coil»try the Olin)atc is i(»lcl"dte nrlfl coi'itinentnj. Alrd !u)w 1st us characterize everv season ol' the year in this c(irintr y i! i generrsl.
Thf.' CB.,!y spl!1!g 488 veryr chailgeni)!P wenthP!'. Tile vf('834Pr llllr1' hc cold, and v ir)dy, and rai»1r, aod sunnv ol) on(. Bird 1 lf snlrifc ('18"<'. Bitt! li!!Il, 8!)ri;ig 1! 'is »<ustly <vnrlii and sunny nnd rains t'all ve! y seMor!>.
i)1 ail»in!el tl!P wPBtll<'1 ls 118118! Iy w'ii'1' ll, so!)re(ill)Ps 'lol. ri'.'(I d)"v. TI!P w81')ll'*"st iliontlis 8!<". Jlllv ill)<i Aligusi, Tllr' ave!BgP! I<'nlp('ir)I lil'P. 18 21 00 ( nhovf' z('1'o. Alltun!n Lr !nlh<!1' wnr'til nt. Ih<' 4(."g!!iilil!g!)Irl.i.)i tile cou!":P of tin!P it gets co!de), tile
sky is usually overcast, !t, oft<'n raitis. There is 8 wond< rfi!1 spell irl anti!in!i, the so-cd!4!d ll'tdia!1 8'l1»i)T)(ir, wh(n I,t!P. wear.her !8 vraP!n lil o sluli'3<, (reel'ytll)llg iofJks goMen, brown and red.
Winter sets in Decerr)ber with i's cohi duel heav., snowfalls. bitter winds. The colo.
est month is January. The temperature is abont la — 20 degree." below zero, b»t it often happens that winters are rainy and n!B!d an<1 this is )uost unplea ant tinle.
Thev sny th(' el!»late 13) Ukra'.Ilc, !)kc Bnyvrhcre else, ls ge'tt3»g milder' with r.vel lr coming yepr. It depends on many ress<»!s.
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