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Ex. 11, p. 139
Our planet is in trouble! Almost every day we seem to hear of yet another problem
affecting the environment and what a list of prob!ems! — pollution, acid rain,
climate change, the destruction of rainforests and other wild habitats, the decline
and extinction of thousands of species of animals and plants.... and so on.
Nowadays, most of us know that these threats exist and that humans have caused
them. Many of us are very worried about the future of our planet and unless we
can find a way of solvi»g tk>< prob!e>»s we hav<. n>ade then the environment will
suffer even more.
It all sonnds so depressing but we c<.rbiinly m«sLn't despair! Every one of us,
whatever iige we arc c;in do some>l>i»g 1» help slow down and reverse some of the
damage. We cannot leave the problem-so!ving entirely to the experts — we all
have a responsibility for our environmenL. We must learn to live in a sustainable
way i. e. learn to use our natural resources which include air, f>eshwater, forests,
wildlife, far>»lan<! and seas without darnagi»g them. As populations expand and
lifestyles change, we must keep the world in a good condition so that future generatious wi!! have the same natural resources that we have.
Here are just a few examples of the threats to oi>r environment and some ideas to
help yo» to do something about them.
We humans create such a lot, of r»j>!>is!>! Betwcm> ! 902 >iml 2008 honsehold waste
>nc>p.'>sod by 16 'l~)»><I we»ow p>od»cii j»st u»dc> hi>11 li. Lo»nc p<'r pers<m each
year. Most of' ibis is L;>ke»;>way by <1»str»i n and buried in m>orn>o»s landfill sites
or bnrned in inci»<ir;>L<>rs both of Lhcse actions ca» be dangerons for the environment,. !s al! our r»bl>ish in>ally n>bb>sh'! ll' yo» think abo»t >t, much of what we
tl>row away conld l>c used ag»in. !L makes sense io reuse and recycle our rubbish
instead of j»st!ryi»g io solve the problen> of where to put it! Enco»ragingly rates
of recycling have increased so that we recycle 86 'I<> of onr household rubbish, although we ronld recycle up to 80 '/<~. Much of our waste is made up of glass, metal,
plastic and paper. Our natural resources such as trees„oil, coal and aluminium are
used up in enorn>ous an>ounts to make these products and the resources will one
day be completely need np. We must cut down on energy»se.
Ideas to IIelp
Sort ont your rubbish. Organic matter e. g. potato peelings, left over food, tea
leaves etc. can be transferred straight to a compost heap in the garde» and used as
a good, natural t'ertiliscr for the plants. Alumi»iun> cans, glass bottles and newspapers eic. are of! en collected !'ro;» our doorsteps these days, buL other item., such
as plastic bottles, juice cartons a»d c>iidhoard >nay not be, in v;hich case they can
be taken to ne» l>y recycling hanks. Find <»>t where they are by asking your local
council or library.
:: Use recycled paper Lo help save trees. Everyone in Britain uses about 6 trees
worth of paper every ye>ir,
Chlorine bleach is usu»l!y used to >riake newspapers and this poll»tes rivers. It' s
better to use unbleached, recycled paper whenever you can.
Take your old clothes to charity shops. Some are sold, others are returned to
textile mills for recycli»g.
: Try to avoid buying plastic. !t's hard to recycle. One way to cut down on plastic
is to refuse to use carrier bags offered by supermarkets and use strong, long lasting
shopping bags instead, or re-nse plastic bags over and over again, until they vicar
out and then recycle thmn.
s Don't huy over-packed goods. ~~Iany th|ngs we huy have unnecessary amounts of
p!ashc and paper aroun!3 therm
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