Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
Ех. IV, р. 62 а) 1. The correspondent asked Michael Jordan when the team »Chicago Bulls» шчйей )пш. 2. The correspondent asked Michael Jordan when he was named Rookie of the Year. 3. The correspondent asked Michael Jordan if he took any other sports except basketball. 4. The corrcspondent asked Michael Jordan Ьои long he had been playing for the «Chicago Bulls». 5. The correspondent asked Michael Jordan if there was any sport the greatest athlete of the century couldn' t do. b) 1 — polo; 2 — baseball; 3 — cricket; 4 — basketball; 5 — boxing; 6 — aerobics; 7 — wrestling; 8 — — surfing.
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