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Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
Ех. 1V (с), р. 56
1. If I had à chance to talk to Andrew Lloyd Webber, 1 would ask him about his school years. 2. If 1 met Лпдгеч I.loyd Webber, 1 would find out about his future plans. 3. If 1 were lucky to speak to Andrew Lloyd Webber, 1 wouldn' t miss à chance to ask him about his music preferences. 4. If 1 came to Апдгеъ Lloyd Webber, 1 would jump at the opportunity to take a picture with him. 5. When 1 meet Апогею Lloyd Webber 1 will try to speak to lшп.
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