Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
я .ш,р.ао
а) he has seen, had seen; she has heard, had beard; we have met, had met; you have
found out, had found out; they have learnt, had learnt.
b) 1. — Have you ever heard about à boomerang?
— Yes. Someone has already told me that boomerangs can come back.
— 1 have just read that the returning boomerang is à stick with two arms.
2. — Have you ever played the уо-уо?
— Sure, my Dad has bought it for me recently.
— 1 have just found out that the toy first appeared in СЫпа.
3. — Has your younger sister ever had any dolls in her life?
— Yes, dolls have been around her for many years.
— 1 have read recently that these toys came from ancient Greece.
Пряма та непряма мова
(Direct апй Reported Speech)
При перетворенн) прямо? мови на непряму вона стае п)дрядним речениям до
сл)в автора. Д)волово йо tell вживаеться 3 непрямим додатком, д)еслово to зау
вживаеться або з додатком 13 прийменником to, або без нього. У конструкц)ях
13 непрямою моною може використовуватися сполучник tftat. Часи д)есл1в
зм1нюються зг)дно з правилом узгодження час)в. Також залежно в1д зм1сту
з i ют ся зай енники i присл)вники часу та м1сця.
Examples: Не said: «Г11 do it tomorrow». — Не said (that) he would do it the next day. 2. Магу said to me: «I worked at this office last year». — Магу told me she had worked at that office the year before. 3. Не said: «I can speak to you now». — Не said he could speak to me then. 1. Наказове речения (Command and request) У наказових речениях у вепрям) й мов( д(волово аау зм(нюсться íà tet( або ask. П(сля д1еслова необх(дна вказ(вка на персону, до яко1 звертаються, а д1еслово п1дрядного речения переходить у форму (нфпптива. У заперечувальних наказових речениях частка TLot ставиться перед 1нф1н1тивом. 2. Розпов(дне речения (Statement) У розпов(дннх речениях вжнвасться вказ(вний займенник that.
Пряма мова Непряма мова The teacher said, «The weather is The teacher said that the weather was fine» fine The teacher said, «Peter can help The teacher said that Peter could help Апп» Апп The teacher said, «Peter works evcry The teacher said that Peter worked eveday» ry day The teacher said, «Peter is working The teacher said that Peter was worподач» king then ,The teacher said, «Peter Ьав finished The teacher said that Peter had finished his work already» his work already The teacher said, «Peter finished his The teacher said that Peter had finished work yesterday» his work the day before The teacher said, «Peter will finish his The teacher said that Peter would finish work tomorrow» his work the next day 3. Пнтальне речения (()uestion) При перетворенн) запитань прямо1 мови на непряму зм(нюеться порядок сл(в. Так, вепрям) запитання, на в(дм(ну в(д прямих, характеризуються прямим порядком ел~в. У головному реченн( вживаеться д1еслово to ask. Загальн( запитання вводяться в конструкцп' з непрямою мовою за допомогою сполучник1в if, auhether, а спецгальн( питання — за допомогою в(дпов(дних питальних сл(в.
Пряма мова Непряма мова
The teacher asked, «Is the weather The teacher asked if the леаФЬег was fine?» fine
The teacher asked, «Can Peter help The teacher asked if Peter could help Ann?» Апп
The teacher asked, «Does Peter work The teacher asked if Peter worked eveevery day?» ry day
The teacher asked, «Is Peter working The teacher asked if Peter was working now?» then
The teacher asked, «Has Peter finished The teacher asked if Peter had finished his work already?» his work already
The teacher asked, «Did Peter finish The teacher asked if Peter had finished his work yesterday?» his work the day before
The teacher asked, «Will Peter finish The teacher asked if Peter would finish his work tomorrow?» his work the next day
The teacher asked, «What is your The teacher asked what my паше was name?»
The teacher asked, «Where do you The teacher asked where I lived live?»
The teacher asked, «When do you get The teacher asked when I got up 'up v»
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