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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Lessons 1-2. Ex. 6 Lessons 1-2. Ex. 7 Lessons 1-2. Ex. 9 Lessons 3-4. Ex. 1a Lessons 3-4. Ex. 1b Lessons 3-4. Ex. 4 Lessons 3-4. Ex. 5 Lessons 3-4. Ex. 6 Lessons 3-4. Ex. 8

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

ex. I ('a)
A school year is the period of time each
year when the school is open and people
are studying.
Form is a body of students who are taught
A subject teacher is a person whose occu-
pation is teaching some subject.
A Headmaster is a presiding officer,
leader of a school.
A Vice Principal or Head of School is the ti-
tleof thechief administratorof anelcmen-
tary school, middle school, or high school
in some English-speaking countries, in-
cluding the United States and Australia.
A final exam/examination (or final)
is a test given to students at the end oi'
a course of study or training.
To take an exam is to undertake the ex-
ams. If you do well then you will pass
your exams.
A mark is a number or letter indicating
quality (especially of a student's per-
A report card is a measure of a student's
performance. In most places, the report
card is issued by the school to the student
or the student's parents twice or four
times yearly. A l,ypical report card uses a
grading scale to determine the quality of
a student's school work. A document, on
cardboard or plain paper, stating which
grades a student earned, at the end of a
term of regular period.
The Certificate of Basic Secondary Edu-
cation is the name of a school leaving
A parent-teacher meeting is a meeting
ol' parents with a teacher or teachers who
work in a form where their child or chil-
dl en study.
Humanities are courses which include
the arts, classics, philosophy, foreign
languages, linguistics, literature, phi-
losophy, public speaking and history etc.,
but not the sciences.
Science is the body of related courses
concerned with knowledge ol' the physical
and biological world and with the proc-
esses of discovering and validating ibis
knowledge, Astronomy„Astrophysics,
Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Chemis-
try, Earth Science, Forestry, Genetics„ Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Zoology. Arts is humanistic discipline: studies ini,ended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than, occupational or professional skills).
A quiz is a short test, written or oral, usually less formal than an exam.
Education encompasses both the teaching and learning of knowledge, proper conduct, and technical competency. It thus focuses on the cultivation of skills, trades or professions, as well as mental, moral & aesthetic development.
A school uniform is clothing of distinctive design worn by pupils at school as a means of identification.