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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

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Lessons 1-2. Ex. 6 Lessons 1-2. Ex. 7 Lessons 1-2. Ex. 9 Lessons 3-4. Ex. 1a Lessons 3-4. Ex. 1b Lessons 3-4. Ex. 4 Lessons 3-4. Ex. 5 Lessons 3-4. Ex. 6 Lessons 3-4. Ex. 8

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

Seine people think that school years are the happiest in their life. As for mc, I cannot say whether it is right or wrong. I am still too young. I ani 14 years old, and itis difficult for me to say whether my future will be more happy than my past. Moreover, school takes so much tirue that I hardly have time foi' anything else. I have classes in the first half of the day and in the evening I have to do my homework,
' which takes me several hours. Sometimes I I have to sit up to write a composition, I
~ prepare a report, or learn a poem. Au- I tumn and spring holidays are very short. ' In winter I have only two weeks free of I school. Summer is the only time when I
can forget about school. But it is impos- I sible to do so. Little by little I start to un, derstand that school plays a very impori tant part in the life of every person, and ~ knowledge gained at school is the key to i the future success or failure.
' School years may certainly be fairly hap- I
l py. However, there are a lot of problems ~ even today conneci,ed with school life and ~ the forination of a personality. People ' think differently about this time of their ~ life experience. In my opiiiion optimism ~ or pessimism in the attitude to school ~ years is equally wrong. School is the place ~ where ahnost everything happens with a
person for the first time. School years are the time of great expectations and great emotions. Not all emotions are always pleasant. School is the first true experience of the real life. At school a person makes his first friends, meets his first love, and confronts the first betrayal.
Here at school the person reads the first book and writes the first composition.
He acquires basic knowledge of physics, mathematics, literature, history, biology, etc. But here at school the person not only accumulates knowledge, school helps the pupils to get on in life and become successful.
In a way it is a kind of society in miniai,ure. School society is a model of real society with its advantages and disadvantages. School lessons are not given by teachers only. The harsh reality of everyday school life teaches pupils a lot of lessons which will be useful in their later life.
My plans are to develop my abilities, satisfy my curiosity, and realise myself as an individual, to establish for myself a set of convictions and beliefs, to acquire knowledge that will enables me to continue m education before I start working.