Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
ех. 2
1. Edinburgh lies in seven hills.
2. In the "old town" the streets are nar-
row. The tall houses with narrow win-
dows go up the hills to Edinburgh castle.
3. The modern town lies at the foot of the
4. Many great men lived and worked in
Edinburgh, such as: Robert Вurns, Wal-
ter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, John
Napier, Adam Smith, Alexander Веll
5. There are mапу museums, such as
Buckingham Palace, Museum of Child-
hood, the Writer' s Museum and the Peo-
ple's Story Museum.
6. The fact, that it seems that past and
present live in Edinburgh side by side
gives a special charm to the city.
7. Cardiff lies near thc mouth of the river
8. Romans first occupied this place about
75 ВС.
9. Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
10. The Castle is the first thing that
catches visitor's еуе.
11. National Museum of Cardiff contains
a world-class collection of impressionist
12. Yes„ it is. Carriiff is quite an ancient
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