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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex.1,p.183 Ex.1,p.188 Ex.6,p.189 Ex.8,p.191 Ex.11,p.192 Ex.7,p.196 Ex.11,p.197 Ex.3,p.199 Ex.6,p.201 Ex.8,p.202 Ex.10,p.203 Ex.11,p.203 Ex.3,p.205 Ex.4,p.205 Ex.1,p.208 Ex.2,p.209 Ex.3,p.210 Ex.4,p.211 Ex.5,p.213

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

EJ(. 31, P. 203
glokvi)kg tl est(I 18 inkf'1'J!et coinitnit't* sfl(iict!An alA(nlg 'Lt!t'lis. it,;,' !!»»t 8 p(»s!Llvt'
tie!io, (frlfc»1 I!'nla)Plv, b»lit APgative. Tb:8 h!!!tl of 8(tdictn!i 8!in!klg 'LFPS!8 le' vflrv (Jf.— ten desirrctive and one that cueild i!ave d major iinp!Jct, fin nuL univ the comput(',r aoolt:I. 18!t A! bni ul' he!' fa!!1!lv fold tr'!t"n()s Bleu.
Te('iiagek'8 Af 'tcchlv flit(1 'that, )lie ilit t=l'I!PI Bl!(1 f f!inpilLPls ell'c d 'flf»cftsslt 1' ! fthe'; Are going' !br(nigh liigh sfd.col. Tl)CIA AP»(l tthe iiikcr!iet and comp!::t(*IS tO do research fui' !i!sit eiSSJgililteikts. lf Vou ()AJ! I hii't'i» 8 Ctnl!pi!LP! Vol) tv)li get lett behlli(l n! tli!S 1! if(in!!at)on dge. h! )Cent t addictiO! 1 8! t;tin» Lee!is iS nOt SPect etc:I! iy target ted LA!Var(is the teen.: tl!emselves, evfni ( children in lovFPS grdde»s kvill f'('(!nii'e 8 conlpnter to res(dl'cb 'thf'll' assignnlei!te, in!L lt 811 1Pads tu 01!P I!ilng — - cu!!1P!!Ier clcPP!1!1PA(!v.
lt li I!drent !isa(Is to cur»1'uat i!!tern(I, t!0!i!pt!ter ae»(lickiu!t sn!!Jiig tf'cnts, i)ow;kre.
f hPv going' IA»to it 9!I!holi! f'Antis(!Sling !lif', (»k)it!Ji!Lf!I dll(l i)f')J ! ving 1 nf!11' chltcl re!i of ttv it is noi going to be possible to st(!p their teens 1!(»n gF»ing fik!yivhe) P near
8 f'MAP!I!PI'. f.',Jn!Piitcl'8 81'e il'L s(h()file:. knit'rnf'I eftfc!i 80(i vti Lh .!',"F»!los. Ttitst' 8!e
jnsi some of tits chdlienge', i»ceil 1!; Lh( ps!Len!8 cf fepns ivho Arp suffering from co!Iipnter;ind internet ad('.ici!on.
So, v iidt Soi J Of Signs do iial'P.'fts Ai tt'('!JS aftd!cf pit tt! !lie t'0!110»! 1('r tiavP to l»J01( 1 JL! I fAI J ln'tpl'API con!piltf!I a(td,'et it»r!,1 nloAg tf piis rangp!! 1, Ali) bpkng atddictt!(t to g8nles
to spending hours and hours in chat rooms. Either v:ay, the teenager is living out a fantasy life. The iiit("met and computev is often an escape from reality for teenagfn s v'ho feel they do not fit hl w! I.h Thp, veal worid. Eitlipr in chat Coo!us or with gAnfps, tlip tpetiagpt ca!i 1)c whofitevrr they choose Lo op. 33<11 it takps Is a click ffi the mr)iise and the< are in thai!. fat<isa, wor!di living out rheir clreain life, either in the <orni of A hpvc: in a Ifi<iiic to ", piiig onu'hod<' 'Ihfcv !tr(' nfit 3«l a oil!it i'Oolll.
lt is iilifr)I" Iiineifi tilat,rct' A ii! Ill<i«It)' <IT tfi-'<'liiig('I' S. I'ojp. playing Oftllis kitlCI titvris lilfo a full-oo aclclh'!!f)ii. Il!IP!'fief co ttplltet arldictlori Afiioilg tePll., is v<1'v oftPO t!ie cause of t'amily arguinP!It» 1)ef ause the teen will forgo social;ind fa!Oily events f<f Pf<i«riiii„ to u»(" Tli<!If curuputcr <ii»I ml. <. < r< iifu n ifc. intcnu t a!idler willstay ill! )II !1 glit I!la<< tff< gati'I< H I I' Its! lfg ii ch)tt I'fio! II. I tl I h<- V. Oi st Cai.',f, », tePB» will OL!' Hc!!ool or' co! I<'.ge I'tv<i«i fig' I!tetr ('f)T>ipttle<" aii ~ . '*iit« 1'iic' IIII(!ifitloll.
llltet n I of<i<!I)I!ter <id(II<'t l<u! !<!ilffiig tee!Is u (Pf". Hit!!Ihir to i!< hcl' LPPfli<gP;lilCI'Ctloils, .-Ach !!s Alcoiiol (<r t()to!tive(i. Svf!! pl<»i!» c;ii< i!!clods tiu)<icl ci!A;!gies» They can i)cf on!a w! L.'I(tra<v!1, IIII!'sts of iiifg<'v a!id 11 hlige imi)act riff Ulclr' social relationships
I I) Ifi'( vc<lt, alii< <!!i(l tlii< 11!PI (f)iiipiiiP!' Ail(ii('I la'fl anloiig !PP'!is !ascii!e<vliat A chatli fig(, /k Iali I tll or,I Lcf'i'!Age<" Hill, I'f'lug f.' «ifi iu .Pf-'IP! I I!<1 c<)n! I 1!TP!' If< idler lol'I slioli)d Ac < lipori ! I 'ls sooi'I AF i I!1!v s('1'. tile Hvi!111Totils hv I'«1<i!1<a < c< li! !If < tilP., at!ion!it of no!11'H Toc rect!ager APP!)ds r)if tlic cofi! Pl!I( I'. I'I!1<.oiu",',gl!ig I Ilc <'I!lid to tak(.' 11P ot iel" Pasti'll!Ps' o!' hf)hhie' Caii I!! Inn< L r, !FP I Ii'IT!I Ihcl I ATI(uir'ion H waly frutti The C'(3TI!!)I!ter.