Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
Ex. 7, p. 196
1. The computer will use an algorithm that was worked out by a team of inathema11c! ails.
lri f,lie past a blackboard, chalk and books that were used by teachers were the
i»i 1y iuethods oi' leaching.
ht«dcnts gel, better results because of the teachers who explain the material
llsi ilg computer software.
l. Tl«students who are searching for inforntation on he Internet can help them
d< vi lop their idea.".
,"i. '1'1« i « 1'iirnml ion that is updated on the Internet meets tlie demamls of teachers
it Il(l 1('a i' ll ere.
(i. '1'1»«:iiiil tlisl,ance difficulties that prevented students from studying have been
solvi il.
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