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to e>.en ilnsgllle 8 v'Olid v!>tho.it, tl!Pnl. Hut th<.' till nt co>npitt(=r lnPABA B!01'(' than sin>ply the .'>Ides al>d Pf 8 we are faluiliar wit!i. A computer is, dt its UU!st basi<,
8 niacriine wf»ch csn. takt" inst. >let!Bus, an(i pel iol'Bl conlpt>tat>ons based (lli thosP.
insf,ruct ons.
It is the ability to take instructions — oftetl known ds pl ogranis in the parlance ot' con>pit'IP, 8 †. Snd PxecL!'L(. thcnl, thi! I dis<b!)gU>shPA 8 coul!i ltt:I I!'i'!Tz> 8 B><ch8>'ll<'df cai(lillstor. LVI>tfe both are able to!nake computations, 8 cafcufafor respot!<!8 simf>IL Lo imlnedidte it>put. In fact, Un>st >nodpr>t caf(ulatiirs 8 e A(tudlly coi»puters, wiL!i 8 nut! bcr ot' pre-insta!'ed iircgrams L<i help aid in conip!Px task.:.
f UB p liters rmlge from the very small t 0 the very ittrgc,,3(>>UP it> e capt>fife of. d0 i!>g lnllhons of c(lfci!Iailo!!s ilt 8 stt>Pie sect>>!<1, >v!>1!e othe> p Blilv 'taj(<* toilg j)er'l(>ds oi >i>Be tO do pyen the most sir!iple calculaL!ons. Ii«t theoretics! Iy. An:, thi Bg o»e Computer is capable (if <Io ng', dtiuther ci»»putt:r v,,:1! AIA<> bp shit to thi. <:tv(Bi tj>e right, il>st>»lotions, And sutficient >nemory, d coniputct I'01!1>cl. i!1 8 'ivrisiwat<'ll sh<iuld <>!'
sbie to 8 Con>PI>SI'! Attyth>t>g 8 supP>'Coul>i!1>f'! can — alt flotigh it i'tUgilT, Lake tnoil
attn(is t>f vPArs fol' 'tile v'rlstw!>ten to conlplPtP. 1 Il(' ojic>'Ation.
Ai ortt! time, coltipUtms wham exiip!!!i tv h!I p,, and r((fiii»c<f (t>or>t>ous,'ttnott!>Ls <>f i>ower. This Btade thpnl useftll oillv for;.: an!el! dlnoiint if >ask - . <>>>tfttttir~g L! itiecto<ies I r>r astronomic>>i m' >niljtary ap!ili ci!Lions. for psiiniplp, pr cc<fe L>redki>ig. OVP1' >,:Inlc. >wit!1 te('>1noiogical !!dud!>i Cs,. tf!P. Col!!pills! was st'ttfe<> <ft)V>.'> !»id its P f1. ptg> 1'c(lt!>i <!Bien'.' Ioiverp<f lltllttctiseli:. Tiils a!!(iwi'if. tli<" pow(ii' of Tji(' coi!lfiutpt I, ha-»ess(ld for 8 staggel»t:g a>»msy of !!sea.
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