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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

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Ex.1(b) Ex.2 Ex.3(a) Ex.3(b) Ex.7

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

ех. 3(Ь)
° Inventions of a рlay station, roller skates and CD player are fun.
° A сеllulаг phone and a digital саmera are fashionable.
° No, they don' t. They аll appeal to people of clifferent ages.
To my mind a digital camera is the best invention in recent years. In 1978, а Kodak еngeneer invented a device he called a digital camera. Last night, Steven Sasson was inducted intо the Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame, for his invention which has forever changed the way thc world takes photographs.
Recently, digital camerа have bесоmе very popular. The digital camera converts an optical image to еlectronic image data and digitally records the image data on a storage medium. When the imaI is reproduced, he recorded digItal data is retrieved from the storage medium and displayed on a display devIce or printed out as a hard copy image.