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Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
Ex. 7, p. 185
<krt education is the area oi' learning that is based upon the visual, tangible arts- drawing, painting, sculpture, and design in jewelry, pottery, weaving, fabrics, etc.
and design applied to more practical fielrls such as commercial graphics and home turnishings. Latest trends also inchnle photography, video, film, design, computer art, etc.
Historically art was taught in Lcurope via the a<telier Method system where artists' took on apprentices who learns<i their trade in n<uch the same way as any guild such as ti<e Masons (stonemasous or goldsmiths etc. j. The first art schools were pstabl<shed iu 400 BC Greece as mentim<e<l by Plato. Dnring the Renaissance for<nal training took pl:<ce in art studios. Historically, design has had some precedence over the fine arts with schools of design being estab!ishe<1 all over Europe in th<.
tgtj< century. Educ;<tiou i«art takes place across the life-span. Ci<ildren, youth, an<! adults lean> about art in cornuu<nity based institutions aud organizations such as mnseun<s, local «ts «g< acies, recreation centers, places of worship, social service agencies.:oui prisons an<nag n<any O<.,her possible. venups.
Within art schools <: visual < I ts education» enco<npasses all the visual and perfonui«g arts delivered in a sian<lards-based, sequentiai approach by a quahi'ied instm<ctor as part oi' the core curriculuu<. Ils core is the study of inseparable artistic u<d aesthetic experience and !sam<i ng.
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