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Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
Ex. 3, I>. 183
l. Ann wanted to know if fan>ily port>a>ts had been a long time rgo.
2. Kate '>eked if family portraits w> re still popul<u these days.
3. Ms. Ahson wanted to know if I had taken ph!>tographs of my I':u»ily on speci >l
4. dim asked what clothes I v as going to wear to pose >'o> mv pl>r>tography.
5. 'I'he pupil asked if the Morgana fan>ily looked hal>i>ilv or sad.
6. Ricky wanted to know what object ihe roan was holding.
7. My friend asked me who would be in my family portrail, if I was painting a picture.
8. Mary was interested if Sue had. ever been to thc Natior>al Gallery in I.ondon.
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