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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex.2,p.50 Ex.5,p.52 Ex.7,p.54 Ex.8p.54 Ex.11,p.55 Ex.12,p.55 Ex.6,p.58 Ex.7,p.58 Ex.8,p.59 Ex.13,p.60 Ex.4,p.62 Ex.5,p.63 Ex.6,p.63 Ex.7,p.63 Ex.8,p.65 Ex.9,p.65 Ex.11,p.66 Ex.3,p.67 Ex.8,p.70 Ex.6,p.76 Ex.8(b),p.77 Ex.11,p.79 Ex.15,p.79 Ex.2,p.82 Ex.3,p.83 Ex.6,p.84

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

Ex. 13, p. 60 My friends are going to hold a sport competiiion at the end of the school year. We need to discuss wnat kinds of sport will be introduced there. My dea is the following: to represent traditional Ukrainian and English kinds of sports. Many sports are popular in Ukraine. They are: hockey, soccer, weightlifting, track and field, tennis, basketball, volleyball, boxing, figure-skating, cross-country skiing, «wi anni ng, judo aud shooting. All these sports have their strong supporters. In our
country much attention is paid to organized sports and this shouldn't overshadow the many sporting activities which are a part of daily Ukrainian life. Many people grow with outdoor winter sports as well as with swimming, diving, sailing, water skiing, canoeing.
But I think that football is the first among them. Football has been called the most popular game in the world. That's why we decided to choose it and to prepare the team. You know that the team is composed of a goalkeeper, two backs„ three half-backs and i'ive forwards. My friends play football well and they are ready for the match. But where to find the rivals? One of the boys proposed to invite boys from other school. But there were iwo football teams: for boys and for girls. So, we invited both of them — boys to play and girls to support them. The maich was great. The friendship won.