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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex.2,p.50 Ex.5,p.52 Ex.7,p.54 Ex.8p.54 Ex.11,p.55 Ex.12,p.55 Ex.6,p.58 Ex.7,p.58 Ex.8,p.59 Ex.13,p.60 Ex.4,p.62 Ex.5,p.63 Ex.6,p.63 Ex.7,p.63 Ex.8,p.65 Ex.9,p.65 Ex.11,p.66 Ex.3,p.67 Ex.8,p.70 Ex.6,p.76 Ex.8(b),p.77 Ex.11,p.79 Ex.15,p.79 Ex.2,p.82 Ex.3,p.83 Ex.6,p.84

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

Ex, 12, p. 55
Sporls alr' (»! ('vv»l, that h»s op('» >ll'oil»d i» s!ix>lc Io 1» 0> another for many years.
Tf>rough time, th(iy h»vv gr ld»nlly (-vofv((l i»io their cui.ri.ii( state, e»id ivill undr»>f>teddy contin(u' io fi(i ni'oiiiul 1'<» yvnrs to v(im(» This ls b<1(iiu'ri th(y alway-" f>»ve, mid -ilw"iys will b<» positive!!ifliivr:< v on novi< I,v ii»rl ii»livid»als. The ell'.Pr.
gP!>CP of 1>roft.'ssionril spur'Is over tlic p,isi i < ill urv h»s»iif<irtii!mtely broiiglit, with
it, sonic negative effects. H<iwpver, thv p<isitivv < ffr< Ls of sport dei'i»italy ou>,- weigh 'thpr ncg»tiv('.
Onc way in which sports have positive effect oii people is th(- f»ct ihat ti>ey dravII people together. ><Vhcthcr it is Incr»hex's of a team, or fans root!ng for a cei-taix> team, sports have always bonde<i people of d>ffercnt backgrounds togefher with a vonimon goal. Even xhousa»<is of years before profcssior>nl sports, stadhuns weve often the c»i>ural focal point of' cities and iintions. Sport, cve»ts were places wliere people could gather a:1<! socialise wiih otf>< r pcnplc fr»i>1 thv »arne city (vhilv tliey Ivntcfied evPnfs. Even though f.i!»ca li iv(1 chang(*d »i!ice tl»!1, sports still have thc same unifying ('.>If(et ovvr pr"oplv.
Hot only <hi »florin liririg p(sif>1< tog< tli( r, biii !hr y;irv,:ifso physivnily an<i socially iicr>vfic>nl ns w<ilf. Tliro»g1> coiisiniit pr;icfivv, *in(1 fil»yi»g i>et»>If games, players are kept, in n »i>it< of' <io>»pl< t< fiiiysiciil 1'ii.rlras. Th( go il <if' winning a game also drives tf>cr» to p< rf'»>»i> to thv f>P>rk of' lf:eir abilities. '1'r> siicveerl, one must ultii»nfcly liecol»< li vii il p»rt of the t< i>»i l>y interncii>ig v ith the otlier members. This creates a social environ»>e»t where attitudes, vsl»es, and behaviors are constantly developed aud carried over to other siinations in a player's life.
Sports can also help build one's self-identity. The lvny playe! s participate in a sport a»d interacts with team mexnbers helps to builrl the players self-identity. The better they perform, the mme inlportani, their role in the team is. If a player is constantly getting better in his abilities, the team will need him!»ore and.