Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
с. 9. 4.
1. 1 like essays. 1 can show my My friend does not like essays.
level of knowledge. They are difficult for him.
2. 1 don*t like multiple choice My friend likes them. He can
tests. They are easy for me. guess the correct answer.
3. I don' t like take-home tests. My friend likes take-home tests
1 have little time. because his parents can help him.
4. 1 like reading tests, because 1 Му friend doesn' t like reading, so
can know much interesting in- he doesn' t like reading tests.
5. 1 prefer listening tests because My friend doesn' t like listening tests
I understand them quite well. because he can not concentrate.
6. I prefer writing tests to show My friend is afraid of writing
how well 1 can write. tests because he writes with many
7. 1 like to chat so 1 prefer speak- My friend always speaks little, so
ing tests. he doesn' t like speaking test.
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