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Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
BX 7
Group A
1. Do you think teenagers today should show more respect for adults" ! (teachers, parents etc)
2. Do you think that wearing uniforms to school is a good idea'?
3. What type of punishment did your parents use when you were a teenager? 4. How do you feel shout swearing? Does it matter if teenagers sometimes use had la.nguagc?
5. What do you 'think parents can do to help teenagers avoid depression? 6. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Why or why not?
7. Do you think it's a good idea to give teenagers a lot of freedom? (example: come home when you like) How much
freedom should parents give to their
8. What is the most important thing a
parent can do for a teenager?
9. Why do you think some teenagers do
good things and others (in the same fam-
ily often) do bad things?
10. What are the advantages of being a
child, a teenager and an adult? What are
the disadvantages?
11. Should teenagers work'? Why or why
12. At what age should teenagers be al-
lowed to smoke'?
13. At what age should teenagers be al-
lowed to drink' ?
14. At what age should teenagers be al-
lowed to drive?
15. At what age should teenagers be al-
lowed to get married?
16. At what age should teenagers be al-
lowed to vote?
17. Do you know any good role models for
teenagers? Do you know any teenagers
who don't act like other teens? Why do
you think they act differently?
18. Can teens change the world? If yes,
how'? If not, why not?
19. What do you think are the greatest
problems facing the teenagers of today?
20. How do media affect the thinking
patterns of the teenagers of today? Do
you think that advertising plays an im-
portant role in how teenagers think?
21. As a teenager, what do you think you
can contribute to society'?
22. If you were a parent and your teenage
child did something wrong, how would
you discipline him/her?
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