Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
ех. 4
2. I disagree. Forests produce oxygen and
this is the key to оur survival.
3. I agree. Today coastal waters have be-
соmе very polluted, and whales and dol-
phins are killed in great numbers.
4. l agree. Eight million of tons of oil
spilled into the Earths' oceans every
5. I disagree. Some scientists say that one
species of plant, animal or insect becomes
extinct every day.
6. I disagree. We are running out оf space
in which we can get rid of garbage. Every
person produces about 650 tons of gar-
bage during their lifetime.
7. 1 agree. Glass produced from recycled
glass reduces related sir pollution by 20
% and water pollution by 50 %.
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