Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
ех. 5 (b)
1. Korolyov was 20 years old when he be-
gan to work in aircraft industry.
2. Коrolyov graduated from Moscow Bau-
man Higher Technical School in 1930.
3. Korolyov has worked in aircraft indus-
try since 1927. Не also finished a flying
school in 1930.
4. After a meeting with Tsiolkovsky, Ko-
rolyov became a space enthusiast.
5. Korolyov took part in making and test-
ing of the first experimental rockets, he
designed the systems which helped to
put the Earth satellites into orbit and
photograph the far side of the Moon, he
controlled the spaceships, trained many
scientists and engineers.
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