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ех. 5
Our grandparents' clothes were made in natural materials like wool and cotton. Sometimes their clothes were made at home or in the 1оса1 dressmakers. They were expensive to buy or make.
Clothes were often passed down from older brothers or sisters or cousins. Often, their mammies fixed the holes and tears that playing and working made in trousers and skirts.
In our grandparents' time, children wore clothes in the same style as adults.
Boys wore a shirt and tie. They wore short trousers.
Girls wore dresses and shirts.
They all wore warm woollen overcoats and caps for outdoors in cold weather.
At school my parents and grandparents used to wear school uniform in the old days. Some of our grandparents and parents wore school uniforms and some of our grandparents wore dresses and casual clothes. Olga's mother wore a brown dress and a black apron. During the holiday she wore a white apron. Many of them wore stockings and slippers, too. Many children wore red scarves because they were pioneers. In elementary school her grandfather wore blue shorts, a blue shirt, a coat, stockings and slippers and school-hat. They had to wear those clothes every day.
Му grandfather wore suspenders with suits. In theory, suspenders should be functionally superior to belts and therefore belts would be expected to be the rarity. Suspenders,
provided they don't become detached, can be adjusted just so in order to keep trousers at
а desired position. The crease is maintained and there is no piling up of the legs at opone's
shoes as can happen wearing a belt that can work its way down an inch or two during
the day. This is why men' s formal clothes are worn with suspenders and not belts. My grandfather also often wore a light grey suit I and a salmon coloured tie.
My grandfather from my mother' s side wore а black tie to dinner every night, and grandmother a long dress, even when the family I dined alone. The quantity of clothing they carried everywhere was astounding. Father never ventured out even in the summer without a coat in case the weather turned cold, and he always wore a hat outdoors. Му parents wear pretty much the same thing everyday. They prefer to spend more money of articles of clothing that are tailored and fit them реrfectly. They often wear the same thing because they know exactly what looks best on them and stick with it.