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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex.5,p.247 Ex.6,p.248 Ex.9,p.249 Ex.12,p.250 Ex.5,p.253 Ex.6,p.254 Ex.7,p.254 Ex.11,p.255 Ex.3,p.257 Ex.7,p.259 Ex.8,p.260 Ex.9,p.261 Ex.13,p.262 Ex.4,p.264 Ex.6,p.265 Ex.5,p.265 Ex.11,p.266 Ex.12,p.266 Ex.8,p.266 Ex.1,p.269 Ex.3,p.270 Ex.2,p.270 Ex.4,p.271

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

Ex. 1 1I, p. 266
Afshf1 It(If)' Is i) ll t ()i the Banglagef)h s Ic('f s sloshy'" w!Ief1 Ii < onles to prlof Ill'
(,fl I'. ('ll tl » I I.
i. I rcs«h»( (ff il)c Mogh Baaaaf shfn) is cenfrai Dhaka -- anti in contrast to
othe) . (Iil(i(I n i» )his s(ries — sile i"- niff- of (he cfnfntri 's t6,4 mi'(lion prinlary
school ( ifii(lf('n flgcfl 1)et%!csn si)I anci lih
So why is she at school — iearning English, history, Bengali and maths — when
an estimated 8,8 n!illion of her contemporaries across the count~y work full or
part time?
"Parents need to be convinced that educating their children is a wortlnvhile option.
Pn some cases they need cash or food incent! ves to drop their children off st school.
That is especially tl!e case with poorer and less well educated children."
The govemrnleni, and the UN say that the country's success in getting children into
prinlary schools — there is a 90 'it enrolment, rate — is a signific!I!It acllipven!ent
and puts the country well on target tow!!rds !nesting' its MDU target of univ! rs!>I
pl'in!el v educ!Ation.
Thel e ar!" 866,926> primary schools I!1 the count!'y Hnd Irlo e th!An. 88,000 scen!Id'll'y
"The numP>er of oi' enrolled students increascrl f!oui Pg In!llion in 19c!0 to ovl!.
16 n!illion in 2008", says Ul>PDP spokesman S>akil Eaiz!AHCPA.
Similarly the net enrolment, rate was boos>cd f1 0!IA 60 '!!» n 1990 to 90.8 'V io-