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Ex. 6, p. 1 Ii 5 Df.'al' At'n, Yesterday my English frise(i,fob!) inv tiy.', iiic ti) h>s hit ihday p;iriy The t.a(I!lions of celebration Bl'e very 1!M!Snai in his faf«IIV. 1'vf got u balloon it!vitiytlotl, Jolt!1 I'Itt. the cut'd ln the fo.ill of bailoo!1, gli!PdI ft 1 ) t!!P ci!VPlopf! '!nd pnt:I Dlf'('0 of stl'Iniy on it. Tlt(.'0 he w 'otf ihe invita'tin'0 on Il'ii'. Ila l(ioi!. ylext he I)t'f pai'ii(i place alai'ket's in the fort(1 of the baBoon toyi» i(f vvrotf! l!ie;lsr»es uf thc guicsts und folded Bte balloon in balf so that,!t stood up. Eaci! oi' the gnests ha(! B a<trite badge so ev:I y body knew vfho was w(10. John s I«othe!' Dlfide a cake. Be pnt sane!i>icltes, bise!«i,s, frizzy dl'inks„nlllk shakes, s'(vpels yln(l bliss 0'li the tilolc. -John tolcl me tha>. he n«lde something special, I cotlldn't gness. They wr;re.;ipple slirpr>ses. A~hety 1 Pate.ed his honsP a I.)t of. blown baH001'ts !v(.'!P Ilatlg i'0 Ilia door. Aiy friend explained that when chiidren (voiild gii ho»!P iie lvoiilil gi! ( o>!c Ip eve! y gnc&t, Ai'ter the feast we pl!yed different, gan!Ps. O»c of the!(t wss "1)in Ili(- Tuil (»1 tin: Donkey. Jhe i'yiihiret! ha(i (i soirf over their eyc Bley hy)d a chiill(',cy Ii 1)!Ii IBH (.:I! the drawn donkey. John g'01 lots y)f boi>ks. (id<-":) 1'iltns, r oiiiptyicr giiti>its. Be lvas happy. As for 0 c i dec!ded to (elcbratc n!y t>irthdftv in syich w:iy toit bci;in!ye !t's ii!teresting and gay. See veil 8(uon. Tt 1 t) y !i
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