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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

Виберіть наступне рішення:

Ex.1,p.42 Ex.2,p.36 Ex.2,p.44 Ex.3,p.15 Ex.3,p.15 Ex.3,p.44 Ex.4,p.25 Ex.5,p.21 Ex.5,p.31 Ex.5,p.27 Ex.5,p.37 Ex.7,p.17 Ex.7,p.38 Ex.8,p.17 Ex.9,p.17 Ex.9,p.38 Ex.7,p.27 Ex.10,p.33 Ex12,p.29 Ex.13,p.18 Ex.13,p.25 Ex.14,p.34 Ex.6,p.32 Ex.6,p.27 Ex.11,p.40

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

E3<. 11, P. 40
1.. have bcpn off pi'lilg", 2. knovl; 8. put f 4. p><pcct;; G. we!It; I>. bei!Ig; < . sppIKiing;
8. know; <h filling; 10. has carried; 11. 1!ave been; I2. an..
Project Work
The famii; plays a very important role in everybody's life. Labour achiev< ineiith,
mood aml ivhat is called happiness depelld AD fa35!fly I'Plstiolis. Wlien yoli <ig pc»pl<
la!<I'rv, f li(iy hon!Ptlnl<'.s tl!113k ti>af ha13pl.less !n <lie!I.' n!ai'I" age wlii bc c<'catedi by
h<M»Pbody else, >'K>t, bv LhclnsclvPS. Th('v arc »13stakefl.
To create a happy inarriage is their own duty, Both h»shal!(I '1»d wife »inst cr( Sl<.
their happiness together. A happy nlsrriage do<*a iiot niean Lflaf i»<sisal!d 1331<', w:1(
must have similar characters buL the ability 1<> ii<«1< 1st!;«1 <;i(f!»fi!Cr. It's n alii
very difficult to keep up a marriagc withr»>t nlu',!>»1 ii!«ferstandiiig. When > I'amil>r
is happy, it mea»s that all the membe!-h of the fa<»ily ti.i!st Pi!eh othe!, I< If e;!(h
other about, U>eir joys pnid sorrows.
The children love, !aspect nd obey >heir parenfh. HL>useivork 3>lay take a great
desi of. your tm>e. But if ail the nie<»bere of the faniily help> each other, hns his
special duties, keeping house won'L be so difficult. So to . I.eats a happy fuinilv is
a diff.'cult problem, In!t, everything dope»ds on ouiselves.
Only when each nlelnber of the thinks about the happiness of the others the 1'an!ily
will be happy. Clever and underhta»di»g parents are always ready to heip ai!d fii«i
the lvay out. We know then! will still be a falsify to tilmi lo for 1<ove. con<passi<»i
and undersf,anding, thp fandly <vill rpinai» in our soul forever.