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Ex. 4, p. 47 Ex. 5, p. 47 Ex. 8, p. 48 Ex. 1, p. 51 Ex. 2, p. 52 Ex. 3, p. 52 Ex. 1, p. 53 Ex. 2, p. 54 Ex. 5, p. 54 Ex. 5, p. 59 Ex. 1, p. 60 Ex. 2, p. 60 Ex. 3, p. 60 Ex. 7, p. 70 Ex. 1, p. 71 Ex. 2, p. 71 Ex. 4, p. 72

Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

Ex. 5, p. 59
Youth unemployment in Ukraine
· Unemployment is social and economic phenomenon associated with excessive labor supply in comparison with the demand for it and the status of an unemployed person that a part of economically active population has. According to the UN data, today every third person in the world capable of working does not work or has casual or seasonal employment. In March, 2010, the number of registered unemployed people was 530.3 thousand, or 27.5'/i> of all unemployed people of working age (ILO methodology). Among them almost one in nine lost his/her job for economic reasons.
· It should be noted that Ukraine has been facing the problem of youth unemployment since the beginning of market reform (in 1990s). In the current global economic crisis this problem is especially severe, since there's a growth trend of youth unemployment. According to sociological surveys in recent years Ukraine confronted such problems of employment as the reducing number of employees in the country, growth of labor mobility, increasing number of employees in the shadow sector, the emerging child labor markets, dismissal of layers of population which are rated by the Labor Law as the most unprotected ones (for example, youth). According to the State Employment service the number of unemployed people is growing, every day 9-12 thousand people join the ranks of people without a job. These are mainly active, dynamic and educated young people. By January 1, 2010 the total number of Ukrainian unemployed young people (up to 35 years) made up 31.4'/i>. It should be taken into account that in recent years the proportion of youth in our country's population's structure decreased significantly. High unemployment rate is evidence of instability in the economy and has its negative socio-economic consequences for the country.
· Taking education seriously, so it is rather difficult to find a really good specialist. It shouldn't be overlooked that most crimes are often committed by youth. Therefore, increasing unemployment among young people leads to worsening the crime situation in the country. You should also take into account that it is often dissatisfaction with the lives that makes young people start taking drugs and become alcoholics.
· Students of the final year of study are to be provided with internships by prospective employers. It, is imperative to develop an effective mechanism of population protection from unemployment growth by adopting anti-recessionary bills aimed at minimizing the effects of the global financial crisis on employment and enactment oi' compulsory state social insurance. Central and local authorities are to create an effective system of professional training of the unemployed population, including young people who graduated or are studying in institutions of various levels of accreditation. It can be done through counseling and creating a modern information framework, promoting various careers, etc. Public works should be introduced (under the conditions of economic expediency and social need) to protect, young people who lost their jobs. Attracting investments for implementation of public, works will contribute to effective youth employment.