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Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

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Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:

с. 27. 4. 1) gave; 2) is рп111пд„З) have you caught; 4) was preparing, were digging up; 5) will you go
5. One day my dad and 1 went fishing. The weather was fine. My dad took much food with him. I took two fishing-rods. We left the house at 5 à.m. Soon we took a car and went to the country. We got to the river. We threw our fishing rods into the water. The funny whistling noise started and my father pulled in the first fish. He threw the line back into the river. We caught a lot of fish that day. Mother was happy to вее us and fish too.