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2 Під кожним завданням є відкриті коментарі. Ви можете порадити своє рішення.
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4 Рішення з’явиться замість пояснювального тексту.

Порадити ГДЗ у спільнотах:

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INTRODUCTION ВСТУП Lesson 1/Урок 1 1. Listen аnd sing the song. 2. Pronounce the sounds 3. Match and pronounce 4. Listen and read Lesson 2/Урок 2 1. Look and name 2. Ask and answer 3. Look and answer 3. Listen and read. Then answer Lesson 3/Урок 3 1. Listen and read. Then answer 2. Read, сору and fill in 3. Follow and read 4. Pronounce the sounds 5. Match апй pronounce Lesson 4/Урок 4 1. Look and say 2. Ask and answer ' 3. Follow and read 4. Pronounce the sounds 5. Match and ргопоиnсе Lesson 5/Урок 5 1. Point and name. , '4. Read and guess. Then listen and guess 2. Talk with your friend 3. Follow and read
Розділ: Unit 1/Розд1л 1
Unit 1/Розд1л 1 Lesson 1/Урок 1 1. Listen and say 2. Follow and read 3. Listen and read Lesson 2Урок 2 1. Listen and say 2. Ask and answer 3. Spell the names 4. Ask and answer 5. Listen and read 6. Listen and say Lesson 3/Урок 3 1. Listen and say 2. Follow and read 3. Copy. Lesson 4/Урок 4 1. Listen and repeat 2. Ask answer 3. Talk with your friend 4. Look and say 5. Listen and say the rhyme
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