Виберіть наступне рішення:
Розпізнання тексту ГДЗ що на зображені:
ex. 3
L in 1972 by I.JNESCO
2. United Nations Rducational, Scientific
and Cultural Organisation.
3. natural sites, and a wide variety of cul-
tural sites such as landscapes, towns, hi s-
toric xxxonuxnents and modern buildings.
4. places of international ixnportance.
5. 851 27
6. the Tower of London, t,hc city of Both,
Stonehenge or Scottish castles.
7. Kyiv-Pechcrska Lavra and St. Sophia's
Cathedral in Kyiv, the historic centre of
Lviv and the beech forest of tlxe Carpathi-
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